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  • Special order
    We take special orders that are not currently in stock, please give us a call to arrange.
  • Can I place an order if the product is priced at $0?
    Yes, we will send you an invoice with the best price available on the market as soon as you place your order.
  • Business Hours
    Office: Monday - Friday 10am-5pm Website: Anytime Message/Chat: Regular Business hours Closed: Saturday - Sunday
  • Why am I unable to view the available product list?
    To view the product list, you must first register for the showroom.
  • Delivery time and fees
    Anchorage/Eagle River Same day delivery: order before 10am Wasilla: please call to discuss. Anchorage: minimum $150 Eagle River: minimum $250 Wasilla: minimum $350 $25 delivery fee under minimum orders.
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